Funny story time. I got the
Illi Camellia Intensive Moisture Mask from TesterKorea as I seen some good reviews on the brand. Flash forward to a few months ago, I was getting the 23 Years Old modelling mask and TK said it's out of stock. I was given the choice of finding something to replace it or to have the funds refunded to me. Given how that mask took a large chunk of the shipping fee, and I wouldn't receive that shipping cost back. I decided to look for something to replace it. And guess what I picked?! 😂 I picked a 10 pack of the
Illi Camellia Intensive Moisture Mask! Let's hope I like this mask for the sake of my stash. 😆

The mask comes in a nice red and simple packaging. It is in Korean so I have no idea what the ingredients list are. 😅 But here is the
CosDNA link with the ingredients list. Let's move forward anyways~

The mask was soaked in a watery cream type of essence. I say it's watery as it reminds me of rice water, that cloudy water that you get from washing rice. It smells like coconut which was quite surprising to me. I was expecting a floral scent, seeing how this is a camellia mask. I wasn't expecting a sweet and tropical scent to me. Just a bit trippy for my brain that's all.
The mask itself was a normal cotton sheet mask. The fit is quite god as it covers all of my chubby face! That doesn't happen too often!
The instructions said 15 minutes but I was a rebel and wore it for 30 minutes. It was still moist but also felt a little bit like the mask is now clinging onto my skin and sucking moisture out. So that probably wasn't the best idea! 😖
Thankfully my skin was fine after I removed the mask. The extra essence took about 10 minutes to sink in and it left my skin feeling a little bit tacky and shiny. But my skin looks and feels so plump! So this was a good mask for delivering moisture to my skin, despite the fact that I left it on for longer than recommended.
In the end, I am glad I have a backup pack of 10 masks, albeit obtained accidentally, but I am glad I have them. These are some good masks! The scent is confusing but sooo good. I was wary of hanbang masks as I don't tend to like herbal scents. But this mask smell so good and I love how it makes my skin look so plump! For its price, it's a good mask to have on hand and for backup!
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