I am conflicted regarding this blog post.. I believe in if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Especially in such a public forum. But on the other hand, I feel like I should at least state my opinion... So I will do my best to explain my view and welcome any suggestions.
Oh Sheet Mask is a company operating out of Thailand that offers a monthly subscription of 10 sheet masks for $23 USD with free shipping or a subscription of 5 sheet masks for $11 with free shipping. They also offer a one time subscription for those who is not ready to commit to a subscription. That is the option that I decided to go with.

I received a variety of masks, including pore control, bee venom and snail. They are all from China, though a couple did try to pass as Korean masks. There is one that completely copied the packaging from
It's Skin. After some contemplation and research, I decided not to use any of the masks primarily due to my personal preference.
I am very uncomfortable with using most things from China, especially on my face. I am not trying to be snobby against products from China without clause. I am uncomfortable because I am Chinese and have family in China, so I am semi-aware of what I can buy and what I can't buy from China. My cousins, who went along with me to Taipei, bought boxes and boxes of My Beauty Diary sheet masks because they too, do not trust the quality of products in China. They make regular trips to go to Hong Kong to buy beauty products because they are more confident in the products sold there. Whenever I go back, my cousins always requests skincare items. Even if they do sell a specific brand in China, it is so hard to tell which are authentic and which are knockoffs. Because of the lack of confidence and faith in products, I chose not to try any of the masks.
Since I did not try any of the masks, I do not have an opinion on how well they work. But I would like to point out one specific mask, the Golden Tissue 24K Face Mask from YanChunTang. I would not recommend anyone to use it as I am not sure of its authenticity.

What do I mean by its authenticity? I looked up the mask on Taobao and was given a different brand for the very same image. I double checked and searched for both brands through Google just to be sure. It looks like the packaging is for Liceko's
version whereas YanChunTang's version looks like this. I compared both the front and back of the two versions against the package. The image and packaging is exactly like Liceko. But the brand and company listed on the package is that of YanChunTang. The bar code is very similar to the one for YanChunTang but the weight is off from either brand. This makes me really question the authenticity of the mask and I would not put it anywhere near my face. Though I should mention Liceko's version had good reviews.
Liceko's version |
YanChunTan's verison |
Overall, I am disappointed that it is all Chinese masks and most of the masks are even hard to find on Taobao, where there are pages and pages of knockoffs and authentic products. While I cannot comment on the actual masks, I can comment on its pricing. I was able to find these masks for cheap on Taobao, where the most expensive was ¥38 for a box of ten masks. With currency exchange, that is about $7.08 CAD. That works out to be about $0.71 CAD for each mask. Considering the box is $23 USD with free shipping, the actual value of the products is more than half of the cost. Not a satisfying box for me :(
UPDATE: Due to events happened today, I decided to post all the information I have found on the masks except for the one posted above (that is the worse).
The Good
Wobechon Snail a White, cheapest and good reviews here. ¥32 for a box of 10 with free shipping. This one actually have good reviews based on the multiple listings. Though the design is clearly a knockoff of It's Skin. |
The Okay
Bisute Milk Oil & Acne Control 4D Facial Mask, the cheapest is here for ¥25 for box of 10 with free shipping. Pretty good review but from another seller's demonstration, the mask looks thins from the front but thick on the side. Not sure how good it is. |
Liceko Sensitive Emergency, it is currently being sold at ¥1.30/sheet with free shipping. Has good reviews but it is not showing up on the official website. Though it may also due to the fact that the website may not have been updated since 2010. |
Charm Gold Snail Snail Essence Mask. A good review for the brand and mask. However, there is no production or best by date so it is sitting in the okay pile despite good reviews. Clearly taken out of a box of 10. The official Taobao store for the brand sells it for ¥19.60 for a box of 10 with free shipping. |
The Questionable
Hanlu Nanometer Pearl Face Mask, cannot find any listings on the mask. There is a website where someone anonymously gave the product a 3.9/5 but no explanation was given. This is the only product review I could find. It is owned by the same parent company as Liceko. I found the official website but it may not have been updated since 2010 if I understand the copyright symbol on the bottom correctly. No production or best by date causing it go in the questionable section. |
East-Skin Herbal Moisture Honey Mask , only listing found anywhere is here ¥38 for 10 masks + ¥10 for shipping. No reviews. Doesn't seem to be in the current line up. |
Yukou Platinum V-Lift Essential Mask Cannot find any current sellers with reviews. Cheapest one I can find is here for ¥3.80 each + ¥10 shipping. |
The Unknown
Mingkou Milk + Collagen Anti-Wrinkle Whitening Mask, Cannot find this product anywhere. The closest product is this, which does have a good review. Though it's not the same product. |
Secret of Natural Bee Venom Anti-Wrinkle Whitening Mask. Yup, cannot find a single thing about this product or this line. It is trying to pass off as a Korean brand by barely including any Chinese. But it is produced and packaged in China. |
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